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Samolus Parviflorus (Red)

Samolus Parviflorus (Red)

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Samolus parviflorus Red, also known as Lysimachia parviflora, is an aquatic plant prized for its striking red foliage, resembling the appearance of Alternanthera reineckii 'Mini'. This rhizome plant is characterized by its ability to propagate readily from cuttings; leaves cut from the plant can develop roots and grow into new individuals. While it grows relatively slow, its propensity for self-propagation makes it a rewarding addition to aquascapes.

Native to environments with softer water conditions, Samolus parviflorus Red can also thrive in neutral water parameters. It prefers higher lighting levels to maintain its vibrant red coloration and should be positioned accordingly in the aquarium. Moderate temperatures are ideal for its growth, typically ranging between 22-26°C (72-79°F).

In aquascaping, this plant adds a bold splash of color, contrasting beautifully with green aquatic plants. Due to its slower growth rate, it may be susceptible to algae growth, requiring diligent maintenance and balanced nutrient levels in the water column. Anchoring its rhizome to driftwood or rocks ensures stability and encourages healthy growth, making it suitable for both beginner and experienced aquarists looking to create dynamic underwater landscapes.

Care Tips:

  • Substrate: Attach rhizome to driftwood or rocks; avoid burying to prevent rotting.
  • Lighting: High lighting to maintain vibrant red coloration.
  • Temperature: 22-26°C (72-79°F).
  • pH: Prefers softer to neutral water conditions (pH 6.0-7.0).
  • Nutrients: Moderate; supplement with liquid fertilizers containing essential nutrients.
  • Propagation: Easily propagates from cuttings; trim and replant to propagate new plants.

Growth: Slow
Lighting: High
Temperature: 22-26°C (72-79°F)
pH: 6.0-7.0
Nutrients: Moderate
Difficulty: Intermediate

Quantity: 1 Piece

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